
Card 2: 4/31- Jar of Greed/Pot of Greed
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Jar of Greed/Pot of Greed
Normal Magic
Draw 2 cards.
-You can draw 2 cards.
-Use 1 card, get 2 new cards with no drawbacks.
-um... well... uh...
Ok.  The card.  The only card in the game of Yugioh that fits into every deck ever made.  The card that can break the game to your advantage. 
When you make a deck, the thing you need most is to get the cards of your deck (duh).  And what makes your deck get more cards?  Jar of Greed.
Now, for the english players out there, there is a key change:
The ENG Pot of Greed = the JPN Jar of Greed
The ENG Jar of Greed = the JPN Vase of Greed
So don't get confused.  Anyways, this is probably the only card i own that will be in every deck that i will ever make.  I guarantee it.
10/10- The greatest card in existance for Yugioh.  Afterall, if you have no cards in your hand, and you draw this, its good... unless your deck just sucks...