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These are links.  They will either help you with your YuGiOh skills, or are there just for you to be able to explore for cards.
Many help English card players switch slowly to Japanese card players, while others are just there... :D

This is the most reliable source of card rulings out there.  All rulings here are absolute, so think of that when you check up Upper Deck.... *vomits*
Go here from now on.  Even when Edo comes back, he notes that NetReps are better/more reliable to expert rulings, and I agree with him.

Edo's site.
Quite possibly the best site ever made for Japanese duelists, and Im almost certain that every good duelist has visited his site. 
Reviews, essays, spoilers, translations... great site.  And mind his use of "GO AWAY, TOYWIZ AND UNDERHANDED EBAY SELLERS, LIKE THE FREAKISH PEOPLE THAT YOU ARE."
Trust me... there are alot of them in his spoilers... but all for good reason.
100% of translations in the Card Reviews are by this site.

Suggested first by Kei, then reinforced by Black Bird, this is a great site for purchasing Yugioh cards.  If you can't truely go out for specific cards, you can always just purchase it off this site.  Since I have not personally shopped there, I cannot say its 100% safe, but taking recommendations for Kei, I say you can trust it enough...... or sue...... :D  (for now, im using it as a way to get Yugioh card pics)

Spikes and Baron.  A great site to check up on Yugioh new before they even reach the U.S..
Great site that even translates thier own cards, but I have some hard times understanding the extremely direct translations...
A decent site to find spoilers for English boosters and read some Top 10 and Card Reviews.  Don't bother looking at the decks... some of these players are the worst that I've seen.  They even have the most out-dated strategies i've seen in years.  Please note that they still don't have a clue why Mirror Force has grown old... n00bs... just visit the Top Ten and look for my posts as DSZero.