2:41 PM; Thursday; 2/24/04; Zero
Konami of Japan has released the latest banned list. Memorize it for it will alter each and every deck that we
have to this point...
Chaos Emperor Dragon - Messanger of the End -
Witch of the Black Forest
Makyura (NEW)
Fiber Pod (NEW)
Magical Scientist (NEW)
Mirage of Nightmare (NEW)
Painful Choice (NEW)
Steadfast Guard (NEW)
Change of Heart (NEW)
Dagger of Butterfly - Eruma (NEW)
Harpy's Feather Sweep
Black Hole
Imperial Order
Sixth Sense
Restrict to 1:
Female Warrior of Another Dimension (NEW)
Angel Lily
Chaos Soldier - Messanger of Beginning -
Killer Snake
Critter (NEW)
Black Magician of Chaos
Guardian of the Shrine
Android Psycho Shocker
Dol Dora
Exclusivity Virus
Initiate Troops
God of Nephthys (NEW)
Sealed Exodia
Sealed Right Leg
Sealed Right Arm
Sealed Left Leg
Sealed Left Arm
Reflector - Reflect Bounder -
Marshmallon (NEW)
Magical Warrior - Breaker
Metamol Pod
Demon Twins (NEW)
Jar of Greed
Power of Teamwork (NEW)
Hand Obliteration
Gift (NEW)
Early Burial
Sealing Swords of Light
Power of Magicians
Lightning Vortex (NEW)
Reversed Worlds
Deck Destruction Virus of Death
Holy Barrier - Mirror Force - (NEW)
Deck Destruction
Virus of Magic (NEW)
Destruction Ring
Magical Cylinder
Careless Avarice
Cry of Living Dead
Restrict to 2 (Semi-Restrict):
Abyss Soldier (NEW)
Manticore of Darkness
Lord (NEW)
Troop Commander
Black Scorpion - Running Chikku - (NEW)
Abyss Assassin (NEW)
Forced Transfer
Rich Goblin (NEW)
Emergency Ration (NEW)
Emissary of Obliteration
Level B Restriction
Zone (NEW)
Gravity Bind (NEW)
Goblin Management Expert (NEW)
Last Battle!
Cards no longer on the list: Chaos Pod
4:02 PM; Tuesday; 2/22/04; Zero
There will be another trip to Frank & Sons soon.
It will be either this coming Saturday or sometime in March (to celebrate Ark's birthday; 3/21)
If the funds of the Inner Circle reaches a $40 point, then I will purchase a booster box of the latest booster (The
Lost Millennium JPN) and the boosters will be distributed evenly between members who want them.
If you would like to go to F&S with me, please note that only two other people can come with me, my mom (driver whom
you best show the HIGHEST respect to), and Ark. So ask me if you'd like to get a ride... but of course, if you can go
there yourself, that would help us alot...
Also, if you want any specific cards, but can't make the trip on the chosen Saturday, then give me a list of the cards
and an estimated amount of money for those cards. I will do my best to hunt for those cards for you.
11:11 PM; Friday; 12/31/04; Zero
There has been wide rumors about another new restriction list coming in sometime February. (source: wide varieties
of YGO message boards)
The most requested cards to be banned are:
-Chaos Soldier- Messenger of Creation
-Magical Scientist
The most requested cards to be restricted to 1/2:
-Black Flare Dragon of Horus (level 6 and 8)
-Phoenix God of Nephthys
-Gear Freed
Surprisingly, SOD, RDS, and FET was near perfectly balanced only a certain few cards were released that causes some overly
easy OTKs and abusive uses.
Also, about all of you have noticed Edo's down time. As a small note, the next best place for ruling information
The link to NetReps is in the Links page, and I assure you... they are more reliable then Edo.
6:40 PM; Thursday; 12/2/04; Zero
On December 18th, a trip to Frank & Sons is scheduled.
Please note in the Chatterbox to ask to go if you want. Please remember, once there is more then 4 people going
(so far, Ark and I are the only ones gauranteed to go as of yet), you will have to provide your own ride to F&S.
Thank you. Also remember:
Im turning 18 on December 9th. YAY.
4:13 PM; Friday; 11/19/04; Zero
The following is coming up for the Inner Circle:
Former member, Sakura's Birthday is on 11/21.
Miss Asamiya's Birthday is on 11/22.
Zero's Birthday (mine :D) is on 12/9.
Say hello in the chatterbox.
11:03 PM; Sunday; 9/19/04; Zero
Special Information:
Old news, but some may not know this. UpperDeck has released the new restriction list format.
Advanced and Traditional.
Advanced is following the 9/1 bannings that the Japanese players are following now.
Traditional is basically the 9/1 RESTRICTION list, with no such banned list.
Basically, Advanced is identical to the JPN bannings, so I will refer to it as the "n00b filter."
Traditional is following the restrictions of Mystical Space Typhoon, Morphing Jar, Torrential Tribute and such, but the
Forbidden List is not included. I will refer to this as the "n00b" list.