Remains of Yatagarusu
Normal Trap
Choose 1 of the following effects and activate it.
- Draw 1 card from
your deck.
- You can activate this effect if there if a face-up Spirit
Monster on your opponent's Field. Draw
2 cards from your deck.
-You draw a card, and your opponent DOESN'T gain lifepoints. It's great.
-Jar of Greed
vs. Spirit decks... if any.
-Great decoy for magic/trap removal.
-Ubber chainable
-It's a trap, so it's slow
-It's a trap, so it's negated by APS
-It's a tuna, so it's
wrapped in rice and seaweed...
Remains of Yata is a nice trap card. Despite the fact that Spirit decks are, sadly, underused, this card is a much
better version of Vase of Greed (Jar of Greed in english).
The chainability of this card is equal to Forced Ejection Machine and Emissary of Harmony (Waboku).
Since having hand advantage is not TOO important anymore in the advanced format (ie. no more Chaos Emperor Dragon or
Yatagarus... which is ironic for this card btw...), this card isn't as useful as it used to be. This card was released
on a booster specifically designed to prevent lockdown, hand-control decks. Very sinister....... until the M1 bannings...
worse so when the 9/1 bannings came.
It follows all the standard weakness of trap cards, therefore.... it has no specific negatives outside of not actually
effecting the field. It works great against many anti-magic/trap cards. Tempest, Cyclone, Magic Warrior Breaker,
and Sand Tornado are basically wasted if you only have this little freaky sushi trap on the field.
8/10- Great card. Doesn't work decks that don't have sushi.... ok, fine, enough sushi references...
but honestly... it's hard to rate a card that is basically Vase of Greed... -2 points for having no relation to sushi.
(actually, -2 points for having a bad top-decking element... but ugh...)