Dark/Magic User/9/3200/2800
This card can't be Normal Summoned. This card
can only be Special Summoned by sacrificing 2 Level 6 or higher Magic User
Sub-Type Monsters on your Field. While
this card is on the Field, you can negate and destroy the activation of Trap cards.
-Negates the activation traps at will (Horus for traps)
-High ATK power
-Negates only speed 2 traps
This card was used in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Movie that showed this last summer. Yugi summons it to fight Kaiba...yeah... This
is one of the cards in Yu-Gi-Oh! to be released in English BEFORE Japanese. However, in English it's a common promo and in
Japanese it's an Ultra Rare promo...
When you read the effect, some may think, "So when the hell would I have 2 Magic-Users on the field at once that are
LV6 or higher?!?" Easy...Magical Scientist plus Apprentice Magicians to search for it can make it easy. Special Summon 2 Critchs
and sacrifice them for this guy. I think it's a good price...2000 LP for a 3200 ATK that can negate most trap threats AND
it's a Magic-User!
The problem is, you must Special Summon it from your hand. How the hell do you search this out? You can use Foolish Burial/Distressing
Choice and Reversal of Dead...but that just adds to many cards to a combo. Not only that you still need Magical Scientist
to provide the LV6 Magic-Users. Many people might think that this card can negate ANY trap. The thing is, Multi-Trigger Effects
like this one are only speed 2. Therefore, it makes it impossible for this card to negate the speed 3 Counter Traps. Unless
they rule out that Magic Hierophant of Black is the first of speed 3 Multi-Trigger effects, I will say that it can't negate
Counter Traps.
6.7/10- This card isn't bad. I have been able to draw it and bring it out a couple times before. Its
power is useful...but it sucks when your opponent Thefts it or kills it with something thats not a Speed 2 Trap. Your opponent
can use Heavenly Punishment on it and you won't be able to negate it...Other than that it's an amazing 3200 ATK that is like
Horus, but for traps.