Black Magician
[no effect]
- He has a slew of cards related to his name.
- He still sucks.
How could I have completely forgotten about this monster? Honestly. This is one of the oldest monsters in
the game. It has almost 6 to 7 alternate pictures, and it even has a girlfriend!
Black Magician is famous for being Yugi Moto's favorate card. In near every duel on the show, Yugi has in some
way mentioned, played, imagined, dreamed, spoken to, ran away from, made love to, or even held in his hand, the Black Magician.
BM has a rather a bad reputation. Not only does it require 2 sacrifices, but it has the attack points of a Summoned
Skull, which only requires 1.
The only redeeming factor that makes the Black Magician so powerful is the fact that SO many Magic-User related cards
revolve around him:
Thousand Knives, Magician's Tome, Curtain of Black Magic, the Black Magician's Knight Black Magic, Skilled Black Magician,
the Black Magician Girl and her Jewel of the Wise, and even the ubber crappy Black-Robed Sage.
Dimention Magic is also in near staple condition in a Black Magician's deck.
By now, you can literally pack a deck full of Black Magician- related cards. The sad thing is that the Black Magician
basically REQUIRES all the cards in order to remain powerful at anypoint of a duel.
There are still several downspots of the Black magician. The fact that he is so dependent on being the main-theme
of a deck makes him unreliable in any other type of deck.
However, since he is very strong when used in a deck based 100% around him, then yes, I believe a Black Magician's deck
can be very powerful.
1/10- Casual- A terrible card. It does not fit into any deck anywhere that is not directly based on him.
If you are still using this card in your deck and you dont have the cards i listed above in the same deck, then you should
be shot in the face.
7/10- Themed- A great theme card. In fact, it's sooo great, it developed it's very own theme!
Blue Eyes White Dragon doen't have near half the amount of themed cards, but the sad thing is, at least 80% of the Blue Eyes
related cards are not as terrible.