-Chainability like a freak
-Unlike Waboku, this card prevents ALL attacks
-The Ultimate
replacement for Emissary of Harmony (Waboku) if you can't afford to hunt down the rarest common in the game... -_-;
-Like Waboku, it's just a one-turn save from battle
This is a great card.
The speed of this card is insane. Thanks to it's super generic text, Menacing Roar has the ability to be activated
at near any point. Your opponent want's to pay Heavy Storm? Activate this thing and make him regret wasting it.
The torture power of this card is nice too. If you run 3 Waboku right now, then you can run 3 of these along with
them and annoy the crap out of your opponent.
There are some downsides of this card though. Acting like a Swords of Revealing Light, your opponent can still
go into the battle phase (for whatever reason) if they have monsters on the field. This might end up activating some
strange effect or something... I dont know...
Like Waboku though, this is just a temperary save. It still doesn't stop Burn decks, and it is just as vulnerable
to Cyclone (when first set) and APS.
8/10- If I were to rate Waboku, it would get the same grade as this card. You can never top deck
this card unless APS or Royal Decree is already on the field, so it's great. Burn decks just got alittle stronger...