When this card is destroyed as a result of Battle with an opponent's
Monster, remove your opponent's Monster and this card from the game.
-Good stats for a LV4 effect monster
-Is a warrior
-Good removal capabilities
-Effect only useful on big monsters
I'll start this kind of like my Twilight Zone Female Warrior review...XD First, was Vol.7-Twilight Zone Warrior, then
came 304-Twilight Zone Female Warrior. The newest member of the Dimensional Family is D.D. Assailant. Funny how instead of
"Ichigen" (what it says on the names in Japanese) to say "another dimension" they use the English creation of the "D.D" prefix.
This card also further shadows the original Twilight Zone Warrior use....
It can ram into big monsters to remove them just like Twilight Zone Warrior. Unlike Twilight Zone Warrior, it doesn't
get removed when you attack a Goat Token. The versatility of this card is less than that of Twilight Zone Female Warrior.
However, when you think about it, what do you usually want to remove? BIG MONSTERS. This card is capable of taking care of
the small monsters as well as doing decent damage to your opponent. Once a big monster blocks your way, send it in to assassinate
it. Also, due to its higher attack power than its siblings, less damage is taken during suicide rams. Like all the other Dimensional
Family cards, it can also be searched via Calling Reinforcements. And I also think his big blade looks cool.
The things that make this card inferior to its siblings is the fact that it can't take care of annoying stallers like
Marshmallon or Soul Banishing Spirit. Also, unlike its sister, its an Earth Main-Type like its brother, making it lose its
place in a Chaos Deck.
9.1/10- This card has proven to be extremely useful to me. Threats of large monsters are smothered.
The setup of 3 D.D. Assailants and 3 Twilight Zone Female Warriors in a deck simply work with little problems. It would have
been even better if this card was a Light Main-Type, but that would just make it perhaps, too useful?