Card 5: 5/3 Android Psycho Shocker/Jinzo Dark/Machine/6/2400/1500 While this card is face-up
on the Field, Trap cards cannot be activated, and the effects of Trap cards are negated. Pros -Witch
searchable, high level monster -Negates all traps as long as its face-up -Works very well with Limiter Removal -Is
only a single sacrifice for 2400 attack points. Cons -Negates your own traps too -Doesnt destroy traps,
so they can re-activate when Android leaves the field. Another legendary monster card. Capable of being
a stand-alone beatstick. Its attack is relatively high in itself, being only 100 less then Demon Summon/Summoned Skull.
It can put a huge dent into your opponent. Now, the effect of Android is quite possibly, the largest impact on the Yugioh
since Holy Barrier- Mirror Force/Mirror Force. Now that I said that, Android even negates Holy Barrier to add insult
to injury. No more fear of Magic Jammers, Holy Barriers, or even the game-ending Destruction Ring/Ring
of Destruction. Decks are now limited severly due to this one monster's existance, and the fear that this card puts
into the minds of everyone. Most tournament-worthy decks have no more then 6-7 traps unless they can truely back it
up 100%. That is how the power of magic cards came into play. By the way, this monster can only
be negated if it was summoned while a face-up Skill Drain is on the field, the use of Declaration of God/Solemn Judgement
or Ascending Horn/Horn of Heaven... Yes... only 3 traps in the game can negate Android.... and thats nothing.
9/10- In my opinion, one of the strongest monsters in the game as a stand-alone power house.
With combos however, it becomes a very intimidating force.