Card 6: 5/3 Book of the Moon/Book of Moon Instant Magic Change 1 face-up monster on the
field into face-down defense position. Pros -Is an instant magic, meaning its easily chainable. -saves
you from attacks -saves your own monster while attacking -works with many many combos -can force powerful monsters
(Demon Summon/Summoned Skull, Android Psycho Shocker/Jinzo, etc...) to become weak, pathetic monsters. -negates monsters
that require itself to be face-up. Cons -Bad at stalling... Why people don't use this card is
a mystery to me. This card can prevent about 65% of all cards in yugioh from functioning, and is extremely painful in
decks that rely on reverse/flip effect monsters. The most negative part of thie card is that if you have nothing
to combo with this card, its completely useless. So you made a Vampire Lord facedown so you save 2000 lifepoints.
Your opponent just flipped it back up and summoned a new monster... you take a hell of alot more lifepoints then you would
prefer. However, this card has the strongest side-effect ever. Stopping 1-hit kills. This card can
stop a Magical Scientist, Android Psycho Shocker/Jinzo, Dagger of Butterflies- Eruma/Butterfly Daggers- Elma+Gear Freed- The
Iron Knight/Iron Knight- Gearfried. 7.5/10- A great card, but honestly, the simple fact that
its useless alone is a downer... Dont underestimate this card though..... it can dominate in the right deck.