Card 9: 5/7/04
Lesser Demon/Lesser Fiend
Remove all Monsters from the game destroyed by
this Monster as a
result of Battle.
-Everything it destroys is removed, so it can prevent revival cards
-It basically negates Critter/Sangan, Witch, Killer Snake/Sinister Serpent, and all monsters who can only activate
when they are destroyed in battle and sent to the cemetery/graveyard.
-One sacrifice that can easily take out Vampire Lord in one hit.
-Witch Searchable.
-Not very useful since its basically another easily destroyed monster
-Works best with Demon King of the Demon World- Hades/Dark Ruler- Ha Des... and only with Hades...
-Demon Summon/Summoned Skull = PWNED!
Strong monsters usually have a specific key to it's strength. In this monster's case, its effect is everything...
and it isnt that good.
Being able to remove monsters is not a gamebreaking ability. Raise Dead/Monster Reborn, Early Burial/Premature
Burial, and Cry of the Living Dead/Call of the Haunted are the most used, and best revival cards for casual decks. This
monster semi-stops them from being used (Raise Dead can easily revive one of your monsters). The power of this monster
is forever negating the more annoying monsters in the game.
Ship to Sunset/Yomi Ship requires itself to go into the cemetery. NEGATED!
Killer Snake/Sinister Serpent requires itself to be in the cemetery during the standby phase. NEGATED!
Vampire Lord....... NEVER COMING BACK!
Its simple. And very devistating with a face-up Hades on yourside. Negation, then removal is really fun.
Now that Im dont phrasing Lesser Demon, i cannot help but note that with out Hades, its overly weak... and even then,
Demon Summon/Summoned Skull still is more useful with Hades...
5/10- Have to give it credit for trying to be good, especially after the US release of Lesser Demon
turned it into a giant 4-armed ferret..... easily replaced by better demons, this card just isnt worth it compared to
the massive beat-sticks that people have been using.