Card 11: 5/23/04
Guardian Sphinx
Once per turn, this monster can be switched to face-down defense position. When this monster is reverse
(flip) summoned, all monsters on your opponent's side of the field are returned to thier owner's hand.
-Over-powering effect
-Strong defense of 2400
-Only the strongest monsters can destroy it in battle
-Incredibly versatile
-Is very easily removed by Emissiary of Obliteration/Nobleman of the Crossout
-Only the strongest monsters can destroy it in battle, and those monsters are everywhere...
-Requires a Reverse Summon
Very annoying. There is no point in which this card is not completely frustrating to see.
The good points is that when this card is in use, you can get a few free direct attacks from your monsters and dominate
your opponent's lifepoints. Plus, you can just choose to switch this monster back into face-down defense mode and attack
with the other monsters to prevent Holy Barrior- Mirror Force/Mirror Force users.
If you manage to bring out an small army along with this monster, you can every easily rip 4000-8000+ lifepoints away
in one strong turn.
The bad...
While this monster is powerful, it has the horrid weakness of Emissiary of Obliteration. Being face-down can easily
take it out.
Next up is the fact that it MUST be REVERSE SUMMONED. This means that if it is attacked while face-down and reversed/flipped,
then it DOES NOT activate. Using Book of the Sun/Book of Taiyou on it will not work either.
Ok, these days, no one in their right mind would ever attack a face-down defense position monster that was sacrifice/tribute
summoned without an Android Psycho Shocker (Jinzo), Demon Summon (Summoned Skull), or other monsters with equip cards... so
the "Millenium-Shield-Surprise" is now out-dated.
Now, we need to face the facts. This monster is too easy to be destroyed, and too easy to take-out with cards like
Tidal Wave/Torrential Tribute or Card 10, Severing Samurai/Sasuke Samurai.
6/10- Good card, but with its power restrictions of being level 5, and requiring a reverse summon to
activate, its a big downer. Luckily, they make this card un-broken.