Karate Man
Once during a turn, you may double this monster's base attack
If you use this effect, this card is destroyed at the
end of the turn.
-Becomes a lesser version of a machine monster who was pumped up by Limiter Removal.
a warrior so it's able to be more powerful with single equips such as Demon Axe/Axe of Despair.
-Usable during your opponent's
-Is destroyed at the end of that turn
-Initiate Troops laughs at this card too
Ok, I see this as the really really really really old version of what Angel Injection Lily/Injection Fairy Lily.
A strange way to "surprise" your opponent's attacker. It can save your lifepoints from some of the stronger monsters
such as Demon Summon/Summoned Skull and APS/Jinzo.
This monster gets alot of slack for it's lame base attack points, but they all forget something. With a new card
out, this card gains some uses. Mysterious Chinese Nabe/Mystik Wok is now more in use and favored by many duelists.
Mysterious Chinese Nabe
Instant Magic
Sacrifice 1 Monster on your Field. Choose that Monster's attack
or defense strength, and you gain that many Life Points.
This card is abusive due to the fact that your opponent will waste ALOT of his/her anti-monster cards. Your opponent
plays Destruction Ring/Ring of Destruction, then you can just play Nabe to gain lifepoints from your monster instead of taking
WIth Karate man, you gain an instant advantage. Hit a monster, or your opponent, with 2000 attack points, then
gain 2000 lifepoints before the end of the turn. That quick amount can cancel out a direct attack by many of the commonly
used beatdown monsters. Vampire Lord? HAHAHAHA!
Combo it with your Theft/Snatch Steal or X.E.N.O/Jowls of Dark Demise for that extra salt into your opponent's wound.
5/10- A even card. Some bad traits of not surviving, but has a great combo system. Works
GREAT with a deck based on Mysterious Chinese Nabe. Use this for a Warrior deck and you gain some lifepoints advantage
in a single turn. Playing Emissary of Harmony/Waboku or Holy Life Barrier [not in english] will gaurantee some extra