Instant Magic
Choose 1 face-up Monster on the Field. That Monster's base
attack strength
is halved until the End Phase.
-Useful for keeping monsters from taking your lifepoints too low.
-Replacement for Waboku.
for cutting your own Dark Main-Type Monster for use with Deck Destruction Virus.
-Can’t stack basically meaning you can only cut a monsters attack in half only once.
save your lifepoints the way Waboku can(obviously).
-Useless if opponent has no monsters on the field.
A great instant magic card and also a great replacement for Waboku. A lot of people used to use 3 Wabokus before Shrink
came out but with Jinzo out and about in the decks of most duelist Waboku became basically useless. Then comes Shrink and
everyone just throws out those Wabokus and uses Shrinks.
People thought it would be a great comeback against Jinzo. A friend of mine uses 2 Shrinks and he would double Shrink
a Jinzo down to 600, however, all you can do is cut Jinzo’s attack down to a measely 1200, which can still be harmful
depending on your lifepoints, because the card clearly states “Choose 1 face-up Monster on the Field. That Monster’s
BASE attack strength is halved until the End Phase” which means no stacking Shrinks on a single monster.
7/10- I basically find it a great instant magic card but you can’t stack with it so its pretty
much useless if you have very low lifepoints left and all you got is 2 face down Shrinks to stand against one Jinzo or Chaos
Soldier. I would recommend keeping a Waboku around in your deck too even if you use 2 Shrinks because they might just come
in handy when your in a bad situation and can’t really top deck.