If this card is placed in the Cemetery from your hand
or deck by
an opponent's card effect, Special Summon this card to the Field.
If this card is placed in the Cemetery from your hand or
deck by
an opponent's card effect, Special Summon this card to the Field.
-Can counter any and all hand/deck destruction deck.
-Anti-Chaos Emperor Dragon
-Both are Undead, making them workable with Call of the Corpses/Call of the Mummy
-Despair is unsearchable by anything
-Fear is too weak to destroy alot of the beatdown cards of the game that also fit into Chaos Emperor Dragon decks.
-Lost/Disappear and Bottomless Pit Trap/Bottomless Trap Hole are great against these cards.
I personally use Despair, and i had worked around Fear. The two are what I like to call, "Dad and son that died
in a cemetery." ... ok, i lack imagination... but you get the point.
This will be a short review...
Against any hand/deck destruction deck, both monsters are gods. Despair is possibly, the strongest anti-Hand/Deck
Destruction card in the game that has outside uses then JUST anti-Hand/Deck D. Fear is, stat-wise, stronger then
many of the hand destruction cards, and great to be special summoned in defense mode when pulled from the deck by Needle Worms.
Please note one more thing. The wording "Placed into" means in ANY WAY, including discarding, including "Put into
(from Chaos Emperor Dragon)."
Chaos Emperor Dragon will have one bad surprise if your opponent didn't use a 1-hit kill. Your opponent basically
will pay 1000 lifepoints to special summon either a 1700 monster, or a 2800 monster to your field WITH NOTHING STOPPING
IT! Free direct attacks are fun >:D
I use Despair in my deck because it has 2800 attack, which equals to some of the strongest monsters in the game, and
3000 defense, which is, possibly, the strongest defense points in the game so far. Special summoning this monster is
very easy in a deck based on Revival and Special Summoning.
Fear might be abit too weak to rely on, but if you are dueling against a Hand Destruction Deck (Control Deck), then
side deck this card for safety.
3/10- For Fear. Fear is abit too weak to be put in too many decks, but it is, stat-wise, stronger
then almost all the control monsters.
5/10- For Despair. Despair isnt a very good monster in any deck that lacks special summoning power,
but thats true for all 2 sacrifice monsters.
5/10- Fear in a Undead Deck is nice and fast, but because of Resurrecting Mummy as a common (Dark/Undead/4/1800/1500)
card, then it leaves Fear in the dust of new cards.
10/10- No Undead deck should EVER go without a Despair of the Darkness. Honestly. Vampire
Lord? Optional. Dragon Bone Orge/Ryu Kokki? Optional. Despair is the literal "ruler" of the Undeads.
I wouldn't have a deck without it.