Normal Magic
Destroy all Magic and Trap cards on the Field.
-For the Japanese players, this card RULES.
-Great against magic/trap that stays on the field for way too long...
-It features a cow. A COW!!!
-Allows certain combos with Early Burial/Premature Burial and Witch or Critter/Sangan.
-Destroys your magic/trap cards too, which could be VERY bad.
Staple card since the old old days. First released in the Japanese Metal Raiders, then re-released in Pegasus Structure
Deck, this card is famous all around.
Many decks benifit from this card easily, and when combined with 3 Cyclone/Mystical Space Typhoon, 1 Harpies Feather
Sweep/Harpy's Feather Duster, 1 Magic Warrior Breaker/Breaker- Magical Warrior, and this, your opponent would never keep a
card face-down long enough.
Now, the M1 bans came and took away Feather Sweep from us Japanese players, meaning 1 less powerhouse of the Anti-magic/traps.
Tempest came and saved us all though.
This cards is quite hard to use at some points. If your deck has a dependency on a permanent/continuous magic/traps,
then this card will be bad when you draw it. In other words, dont play this card when you have Gravity Bind on the field.
7/10- Abit over-rated for it's own good, but it is a staple card for a GOOD reason. I love this
card, and my deck depends on Call of the Corpses/Call of the Mummy.