Equipment Magic
Increase the equipped monster's attack and defense strengths by 700. When this card is put into your Cemetery
from the Field, put it on top of your deck.
-Increases both Attack and Defense points by a decent amount.
-Works with Spirit Monsters.
-It literally FORCES you into Top-decking situations that you do NOT want to be in.
-Equips suck now adays, so there should be NO use for this card.
This card was released in the Japanese Pharaoh's Servant. Being one of the first non-subtype/type/type/attribute
specific equip card, this equip was over-rated very quickly.
Back in the past, there was no worries of Top Decking... in fact, the term "Top Decking" is a very new term.
The most common use that I've seen with this card is to equip it to a normal 1800 monster and attack. A 2500 monster
is great for the game back then... especially since only Summoned Skull could equal it... then Cyclone/Mystical Space Typhoon
was made popular...
Boy did this card die fast...
The power was reduced when Demon Axe/Axe of Despair became more popular, then it's sub-effect of "recycling" became a
massive pain in the ***.
You are basically telling your opponent, "Hey, for this turn, when I set a card, it ISNT a threat."
Top decking this card is far too easy, and I am sure that each and every person who used to use this card knows how they
lost because of this card getting in the way.
Even Spirit decks are slowed to a grinding halt. This card literally stops strategies and games with it's crap-tacular
recycling effect.
The few combos that you can do are usually this and Exorcism/Eternal Rest. Then you can play Jar of Greed/Pot of
Greed to re-draw this card. Then the problem comes of why the hell would you want to waste your Jar of Greed?
2/10- Old, lame, and suicidal. Not much to say other then the fact that it increase attack and
defense... But then again, that's why Power of Teamwork/United We Stand and Power of Magicians/Mage Powers are the gods of
the equip cards.