This card can't be Normal Summoned. This card
can only be Special Summoned by the effect of a [Black Flare Dragon of Horus LV6]. While this card is face-up on your Field,
you can negate and destroy the activation and effect of Magic.
- Lets look at the obvious... Negate and Destroy the activation of magic when ever you
- Dragon Powerhouse.
- Hard to summon.
- Low defense.
Yes people, it is yet another powerful dragon. Some poeple might call me crazy but I like to classify this dragon
in my own personal "Legendary Dragons of Hell" class.
First was the all mighty Blue Eyes White Dragon. What made him powerful? Simple, the most powerful attack
power in a 2 sacrafice class with no effect (No effect as in no draw back).
Then came Tyrant Dragon, a dragon with an attack power of 2900 which is a bit of a draw back, BUT it's made up by the
fact that it's able to hold its ground with its trap destroying effect and it's terrifying potential to attack twice.
Later on, Chaos Emperer Dragon. A dragon so powerful, that it's one of the few Level 8 monsters in the game where ,if
you top deck it, it's not too much of a problem... And it has a nuclear bomb for a body, come on folks...
Now.... A new dragon with 3000 attack and an effect so godly... That it just blows your mind... Zero and I have discussed
this card before in real life. This is pretty much a broken card. If you can summon this monster to the field with Android
Psycho Shocker/APS/Jinzo at the same time... It's pretty much over for your opponent.
If you all remember, there was a monster known as Magic Canceller/Spell Canceller. A monster with Android Psycho
Shockers exact effect but for magic cards, and had an attack of 1800 with one sacrifice. Now, APS had game changing statistics,
a powerhouse with one sacrifice and negates traps. The reason why Magic Cancaller never made a game changing impact I beleive,
was because it was too easy to... well.. Destroy..
Where Magic Cancaller has failed, Black Flare Dragon steps in. Now, I haven't
seen this card in action much yet, but I can say for sure: This monster, WILL make a game changing impact. Why? This
monster takes 3 steps beyond Magic Cancaller.
1. Higher attack power (Higher like crazy)
2. Negate and destroy magic WHENEVER YOU WANT.
3. Special summoned...
Broken card? Yes, very. The monster is a tad bit difficult to bring out but you get your efforts worth. (Especially if
a deck was built around this card then you REALLY get the feeling of this card's power because then, it's not that hard to
summon at all...)
The only draw back I can think of at the moment is it's defense... 1800 is the lowest defense I have seen for one of
the "Big 4 Dragons." But then again... Who friggin cares! Would you put this monster in defense?! No.
7/10 (Used Outside of its own themed deck.)
If a monster is used outside of its owned themed deck
and still gets a 7, that's pretty good... A powerful monster with a very useful effect. It would be somewhat difficult to
summon but I've seen poeple summon Chaos monsters using strange luck even if there not in a themed deck... (Ask Zero about
this.. He knows what I mean..) And if they can do that... Who knows what they can do with BFD.
10/10 (Used in its themed deck.)
I was about to give it a 9.5 but because, at first, I thought it
would never be able to hold it's own against monster effects, but think of it this way. You equip this monster with Great
Sword of Violation- Baou/Wicked-Breaking Flamberge- Baou and have it sit next to Android Psycho Shocker, then you're opponent
is pretty much dead stuck. (For kicks, equip it with Big Bang Shot and see what happens.)