Deck Type:
Please note that "Zombie" is what "Undead" stands for, so do your own translating...
Ah, my personal favorate. This is the first "Deck Type" analyzing essay, so I wanted to tell about something I
The Undead has 3 specific elements to them that makes them stand out from all other deck types:
Swarm: cards that allow them to be special summoned is extensive.
Speed: the time it takes to bring one out is far
too easy.
Power: the monsters your able to special summon are usually stronger then 2500 attack points. No sacrifice.
Now, this deck type can be separated into several different deck strategies, but the skeleton is still Book of Life and
Call of the Mummy.
The obvious is the standard beatdown. This works because your monsters are high level, high attack monsters while
your magic cards work to clear the monster slots as fast as possible while filling your slots quickly. Easy direct attacks.
The best cards are usually Despair From the Dark, Ryu Kokki, and Regenerating Mummy.
The second deck type is less seen, but still strong. Deck Destruction in the undead world is abit stunted.
Vampire Lord, Vampire Lady automatically come to mind, but the D.D.Undead deck staple is Spirit Sucking Bone Tower.
Special summoning while the Bone Tower is on the field can cause your opponent lots of pain. Another decent card is
Goblin Zombie, which discards 1 card off the top of your opponent's deck when it deals lifepoints damage... though it is a
exclusive Japanese promo... (meaning english players won't see this before the year 2006)
Now, the weakest deck theme for the undead is the burner. There is currently only 1 burn card in the undead arsenal,
and it sucks... (poison mummy) This means that it is NOT an Undead burner... its a Burn deck that has Poison Mummy in
it... *dead quiet*... *crickets chirping*
Unfortunately, thats all that I can think of for concentrated Undead decks. If there are more CONCENTRATED Undead
themes out there, email the deck strategy to me at
Ok, next time, a new deck theme... hmm...