-Negates 1 attack
-Can deal game-winning damage
-Not easily chainable
-You might take alot of damage waiting for that ONE monster to negate.
Ah, this is a card that you love to hate. Thanks to the bannings though, this card might as well become a staple.
Simple but effective, yet it's still slow.
Lets start with the basics.
It can only activate when your opponent attacks with a monster. This is a limitation in itself, but thanks to the
restriction of Cyclone, alot of cards like this will see alot of use.
Now, the reason this card is restricted to 1 is the burn effect. Remember that this card uses the attack points
of the monster during the attack, meaning it includes equips and powerups and such, but since it doesn't alter the attack/defense
of a monster, it cannot be activated during the damage step. This means you can't activate it after your opponent activates
Injection Fairy Lily's effect.
Not much else to say about this card other then the fact that it's a decent topdecker, but of course, it's a trap, and
Jinzo still exists in the metagame...
7/10- Is a trap... thats pretty much all I can say... Nice card.