Air/Magic User/5/2000/1200
You can discard 1 card from your hand to Special Summon this card
your hand.
-THE effect allows easy special summon
-THE attack is excellent for a rusher
-THE name
is cool XD
-THE card can lead to you killing your own hand
-THE attack is as low as level 5 should get...
(From Zero: On the actual card, despite the card being Japanese, it still has the english word "THE" just before the
japanese words for "Tricky..." It's wierd... sorta like "SASUKE.")
Okay, enough with THE "THEs". This card was introduced in the storyline of Yu-Gi-Oh! in the
last battle of Yugi vs Atem/Atemu (however people want to spell it...). Atem/Atemu uses it on Yugi but of course it disappeared
after a few turns. Being in LE6 it is quite expensive to get one. I enjoy its ability of special summoning...
THE Tricky is a wonderful has so many uses. It can give your opponent that extra 2000
damage you needed to deal in that same turn. It can be used as sacrifice bait. Quite a simple card...really. However the detrimental
side of the effect can be almost nullified with the use of the masters of discard bait "Killer Snake" and "Night Assassin".
This makes THE Tricky one very easy special summon...
The relatively low attack makes this unable to bust through big monsters blocking the way. In
other words it needs SUPPORT to rush effectively. The player using this might also be intimidated to summon it and therefore
kill their own hand as well. If you don't want to face that problem you COULD use Berserk Gorilla, but the benefits comboing
THE Tricky with the masters of discard bait simply outweigh the cons...
8.7/10- This card MIGHT create top decking, but its all worth it. Lot of times, the extra 2000 damage
WAS all you needed to win. Excellent card, I highly recommend it if you can get THE hands of yours on some....XDDD
-THE BlackBirdZX