This Monster cannot be destroyed in Battle. If this Monster is attacked
while in Face-down Defense position, deal 1000 Lifepoints damage to your Opponent after the Damage Calculation.
- Great stall card
- Ok burn card
- Great with Lava Golem decks
- Book of Moon makes
this monster a major threat.
- Face is disoriented.
One hell of a monster. Cards that don't die in battle come somewhat rarely. Monsters like Soul Hunting Spirit
(Spirit Reaper) and Retrained Elven Swordsman (Obnoxious Celtic Guardian) are the most popular amount the low level stall/defense
Soul Hunter, however, has a weakness against ANYTHING that targets. Monsters, magics, and traps...
Swordsman can still be destroyed by anything with 1850 attack points or less... which is about 70% of all the useful monsters
in the game.
Marshmellon is a devastating force. Not only does it have the burn effect of dealing 1000 lifepoints damage, but
it can't be destroyed in battle. Without the side effect of Soul Hunter and Swordsman, this is almost a broken card.
When used with Lava Golem, 1000 lifepoints damage is critical. Also, since several monster destruction cards are
banned in the 9/1 bannings, Marshmellon is a major thorn in your @$$.
7/10- I cannot give this too high of a score since it provides only a defense, not a win condition.
Plus, it can't fit into several deck types. Still one hell of a card though, and it's only true weakness is Shield Crush...
which is ironically included within the same Premium pack as Marshmellon.