Warrior Deck Ver. 1 "Warrior Deck"
x2 Troop Commander x2 Command Knight x2 Surprising Matasa x1 Initiate Troops x1 Amazoness Swordswoman x1
Saint Magician x1 Cyber Pod x1 Exclusivity Virus x1 Magic Warrior Breaker x1 THE Tricky x1 Ninja Master Sasuke x1
D.D. Assailant x1 Blade Knight x1 Mystic Swordsman [LV2] x1 Mystic Swordsman [LV6] (18)
Jar of Greed x2 Hurricane x2 Book of Moon x1 Tempest x1 Earth Crush x1 Change of Heart x1 Calling Reinforcements x1
Warrior's Return x1 Rebirth of Dead x1 Enemy Controller x1 Power of Mages x1 Theft x1 Early Burial (15)
x2 Waboku x1 Cry of the Living Dead x1 Forced Ejection Machine x1 Destruction Ring x1 Tidal Wave x1 Magic
Jammer (7)
Total: 40
Fire Deck Ver. 1 "Fire Deck"
x3 Explosive Body- Gaia Soul x3 Burning Woodman 18 x2 Element Zaurus x2 Reversed Spirit of Flames x2 Super
Hot-Blooded Batter x1 Cyber Pod x1 Saint Magician x1 Death Gremlin x1 Exclusivity Virus x1 Panther Warrior (17)
Jar of Greed x2 Hurricane x1 Thempest x1 Shield Crush x1 Earth Crush x1 Change of Heart x1 Sealing
Swords of Light x1 Rebirth of Dead x1 Demon Axe x1 Power of Mages x1 Theft x1 Early Burial x1 Scapegoat x1
Book of the Moon x1 Enemy Controller (16)
x1 Magic Cylinders x1 Destruction Ring x1 Tidal Wave x1 Forced Ejection Machine x1 Reactive Armor x1 Remains
of Yatagarusu x1 Magic Jammer (7)
Total: 40
Dark Deck Ver. 1 "Darkness Deck"
x3 Blood Vors x2 Dark Warrior- Beowulf x1 Demon Summon x1 Great Demon Gazetto x1 Exclusivity Virus x1
Manju God x1 Death Gremlin x1 Cyber Pod x1 Night Assassin x1 Soul Hunting Spirit x1 Dark Jelloid x1 Mad
Dog of Darkness x1 Element Soldier x1 Dark Master Zork (17)
Jar of Greed x2 Hurricane x1 Tempest x1 Emissary of Obliteration x1 Shield Crush x1 Earth Crush x1
Change of Heart x1 Rebirth of Dead x1 Demon Axe x1 Power of Mages x1 Theft x1 Early Burial x1 Book of the
Moon x1 Enemy Controller x1 Contract with the Dark Master (16)
x1 Destruction Ring x1 Tidal Wave x1 Reactive Armor x1 Magic Jammer x1 Magic Drain x1 Hidden Book of Spells x1
Forced Ejection Machine (7)
Total: 40