Warrior Deck
Ver. 2
x2 Blade Knight
x2 Mystic Swordsman Lvl 4
x2 D.D. Warrior
x2 Troop Commander
x2 Command Knight
x2 Matasa
x1 Silent Swordsman Lvl 5
x1 Mystic Swordsman Lvl 2
Mystic Swordsman Lvl 6
x1 Magic Warrior Breaker
x1 Exclusivity Virus
x1 Initiate Troops
x2 Calling
x1 Pot of Greed
x1 Cyclone
x1 Tempest
x1 Theft
x1 Sealing Swords of Light
x1 Warrior's Return
Early Burial
x1 Scapegoat
x1 Change of Heart
x1 Demon Axe
x1 Shield Crush
x1 Hurricane
x1 Devil Sanctuary
Lightning Vortex
x2 Sand Tornado
x1 Reactive Armor
x1 Cry of the Living Dead
x1 Tidal Wave
x1 Destruction
Total: 40 cards
Horus Deck
Ver. 3
"Horus Flare"
x3 Horus Black Flare Dragon Lvl 4
x3 Sapphire Dragon
Horus Black Flare Dragon Lvl 6
x2 Element Dragon
x1 Horus Black Flare Dragon Lvl 8
x1 Ice Emperor Mobius
x1 Exclusivity
x1 Initiate Troops
x1 Fiber Pod
x1 Cyber Pod
x2 Devil Sanctuary
x2 Hurricane
x2 Level
x1 Pot of Greed
x1 Tempest
x1 Change of Heart
x1 Cyclone
x1 Early Burial
x1 Scapegoat
x1 Sealing Swords
of Light
x1 Reversal of the Dead
x1 Theft
x3 Reactive Armor
x2 Judgment of the Sky
x2 Sand Tornado
Cry of the Dead
x1 Tidal Wave
x1 Destruction Ring
Total: 41 cards