Permanent Trap
When a player draws cards due to card effects, at the end of the turn, deal 500 lifepoints
damage to that player.
-Great combo with Confusion Tactics
-Good against OTK... sometimes...
-With Pot of Greed being one of the ONLY draw cards, its unreliable most of the time.
to wait until the end of the turn.
-Is a permanent trap, so it's much weaker then you'd think
This card has its kicks. Released in the relatively new booster, SOD.
The power of this card is using cards that, otherwise, is completely useless.
Demon Investigator (Hiro's Shadow Scout) forces your opponent ONLY, to draw 3 cards and discard all magic cards.
That's an instant 1500 lifepoints damage.
Another card, that is harder to calculate since it depends on your opponent's hand, is Confusion Tactics. This
card forces your opponent to shuffle all cards in his/her hand into their deck and then draw the same amount of cards again.
If you pull this combo off during the first 2 turns, you can have the potential of 3000 lifepoints damage in a 2 card combo.
Now, the suck. This card is possibly, one of the worse topdeckers in the game. Because it has no strength
of it's own, it is basically a sitting Cyclone (Mystical Space Typhoon) target. The worse thing is, this is a permanent
trap, which is almost too vulnerable.
Another problem is, if you spend all your time forcing your opponent to gain new hands, and then they play Jinzo or some
form of Magic/Trap removal (Cyclone), then the effect ends, and your opponent now has Hand advantage.
This card cannot function into many types of decks. Maybe a Last Turn deck can use it, but otherwise, the only
way to use it is a "Forced Draw" type of deck.
5/10- This is as half. One half of the largest lifepoints damage in the game with only 2 cards.
Nothing else in the game can deal 3000 instant without 3 or more cards. However, in any non-based deck, then it fails
miserably. Make a deck around it.